Hey guys,

I would like to setup some backups.

I have a raspberry at home and 2 VPS’s. I’m trying to setup borgmatic on my raspberry to back it up and the 2 VPS’s but I’m not sure this can be done.

Right now I’m looking to back up the raspberry and use rclone to mount one of the VPS and back it up. The issue is with the second VPS, it has MariaDB running and I can’t see how to back it up remotely (the port is not exposed publicly). I don’t find anything about tunneling in borgmatic. Am I forced to install borgmatic on the VPS to back it up? If I do this, how can I merge the back up with the other ones?

Actually should I do this or have 3 separate borg repositories?

Lastly, my raspberry uses rclone to push to S3 and I don’t want the keys to be accessible on the VPS’s, that’s why I’m trying to have borgmatic only on my raspberry.

Thanks for your help!

  • @KwaOP
    111 months ago

    I was talking about this: https://torsion.org/borgmatic/docs/how-to/backup-your-databases/

    If you’re using MariaDB, use the MariaDB database hook instead of mysql_databases: as the MariaDB hook calls native MariaDB commands instead of the deprecated MySQL ones.

    But I guess this is basically a mysql dump reading from stdin

    • @[email protected]
      111 months ago

      Yeah, the main “innovation” is that it streams directly from MySQL/MariaDB to your encrypted Borg repository without hitting disk.